Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Let me unload on you readers. God is awesome? Yes. There is absolutely no question about that.
Though, when going through rough times it is hard not to question God's awesomeness and His plans over your life. I guess one of the best examples is the book of Job. He had literally everything valuable to him snuffed from right underneath his nose and not once did he question God's majesty.

I always try to look at job and not question God because I know that He has a much greater plan than what I can fathom at the moment. That doesn't mean I always succeed. Last night I watched a three week old baby's life taken from him. It was already too late when he arrived here at gentle hands but you can not help but wonder "God why?, Why will you save a 50 year old over an infant." Then you think again, I have no idea what would have happened to that baby later on in life. No idea. I will never know, then again is it even worth knowing? Is it even worth thinking about? Especially when you think of where he is now? In the arms of the father, where I long to be. He is being held by the creator of the universe and here I am on earth only getting a small portion of what we call love.

You see, as a human I can only see so far down the road. God directs my steps and I follow Him to the best of my ability. My security and my strength lies in Him, whether i am watching three week old babies die or preaching the gospel to unreached ears. I put my trust in Him to do the rest of the work on the hearts of His people through me. In some hope that I have touched them in some way. What they do not know is, is how much they have touched me and changed me.

Loving the unloveable is a learned habit. As a person, because of what we are, fallen creatures, it does not come naturally. Though, that is God's greatest commandment, is to Love. He also says whoever welcomes the least of these welcomes me. Just think, so if we reject them, we have already rejected Christ. It adds a whole new meaning to what Love is and what it is supposed to be. I can only pray that I portray Him to the best of my ability, humbly and efficiently. There is a much deeper understanding of Love that we humans haven't even touched yet. We long for it, at least I long for it, but it has not even been tapped into yet...


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad I decided to follow you. I ask the same questions when lives are taken to what I assume is "too soon". I asked that question to you about Teresa back at Jordan's and you have me the most honest answer that anyone has, and it wasn't sugar coated and it wasn't a message that was trying to help me understand what had happened, it was simply to trust God. I know that you trust Him. And I can learn so much from you and all that you have to teach. You are a beautiful person Lacey, with so much to offer in serving Him. I love the Lord with all my heart, but we just started our relationship, so things are still so hard for me, and everyday through the good and bad he shows me the struggle is worth it all in the end.
